On the left side of the abdominal area, if there is a discomfiting or painful growth or projection that keeps increasing in size and circumference over a period of time, then it might be due a medical condition called hernia. As time passes, the discomfort in the area increases and you can see the skin strain outwards. This lopsided jutting out protuberance needs to be checked and attended to, before it becomes severely painful and life threatening. When a part of the internal organ protrudes forcibly through a weak or damaged wall of tissue or muscle, it is called a hernia. A hernia can be found anywhere on the body but it is mostly found in the area that lies in between hip region and chest area. The thighs, upper chest, groin or belly button area can all develop hernia. Remember every protrusion or growth is not cancerous; it might be just hernia, so head to your physician and take a consultation regarding its repair. A Private Hernia Surgery is recommended if the hernia is...